In the Kitchen!

  I got a super cute Paris themed apron for my birthday and decided we needed to put it to work. It's first meal was a nice lasagna, recipe courtesy of Gordon Ramsey. We made a special shopping trip for groceries and took over the kitchen...

and voila! Here's the finished product...

So we fed the family and had wine and everything. And yes, everyone ate it and thought it was really really good.

Another present from Paul was a little cupcake kit. (I got the feeling he was hinting I should spend more time in the kitchen or something). It came with nice little cupcake holders, a frosting gun, and a recipe book. We picked out some easy looking ones, (they were all in french) and put our aprons back on.

So here they are with the nice lavander-ish colored frosting on them...

and after adding chocolate sprinkles and cocoa powder...

And then eating them all. : )


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