France at it's finest...ok, not really

France, and Paris in particular, is known for it's great food, beautiful monuments, romantic feel, and that lovely language. What it's not normally known for is being weird and out of the ordinary. But it is a European city, and Europe is good at being sort of odd to us Americans. Some fine examples...

Ok, this isn't too bad, but we were stopped at this light and thought it was so cute how the lights were expressing their emotions to us. "I'm unhappy I'm lit up red right now."

"I'm kind of apathetic about being lit up yellow. I think I could be happier if only I were another color. I'm just not sure."

"Oooh, green! I like being green! Now I'm so happy..."

 Now I'm sure it has some sort of important historical story behind it, but when walking through a nice park in the middle of Paris, it is strange to some across.

I'm not sure where these ponies came from or where they were going, but I thought they were cute. Perhaps on a tour of Paris with their guide there. "I know these buildings don't interest you guys, but there's a park around here somewhere you can run around in..."

I used to get my pineapple from Costa Rica, but this Rosta Rica sounds much cooler. Maybe it's a more Jamaican style Costa Rica. What does that mean for the pineapples?

Now this one is good, because I never know how to dress my trees and bushes. A shirt? a hat? But just a scarf? This is inspired. 

For the last one, it really isn't all that weird. Too be quite honest, it's really common to see this site walking down the street, and I happened to have my camera out to capture it.

So I hope you've enjoyed some of the finer things to be seen in France amongst all the lovely other sites. I'm not sure you'll need to add them to your must-see list for next time you visit though...


  1. You will have to explain the last picture--it's too dark to tell what it is. But I like the ponies!

  2. it's an old woman in a big fur coat walking down the street ahead of me.

  3. LOVE this post--very fun and made me giggle. :)

  4. i like the traffic lights !


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