
  Growing up in Oregon, you get used to the summer weather, (or lack thereof), and learn early to plan around it. Trips to the beach may or may not occur with no wind and lots of sunshine. My family has gotten used to picking the best weather forcasted day of the coming week, and zipping over to Lincoln City to try our luck that it'll hold. Last Monday, it did not. Supposedly, there weren't going to be any clouds in the valley, but there were. Supposedly, it would clear up over on the coast by the afternoon, but it didn't. Of course we brought jackets and dressed warm, as any good child of the northwest should do. So after a chilly morning at the outlet mall, we realized our options and decided to skip the beach and head north to the Tillamook Cheese factory. It's fun, it's free, and we had a native frenchie who'd never been in a cheese factory before. Does France have factories for their cheese production? 

the production line

big blocks of cheese!

the free cheese samples! we might have gone through more than once...

Jason digs into his ice cream


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