Lunchtime Excitement

   Normally, Sunday afternoon in La Queue Lez Yvelines is a relaxed quiet affair. We have lunch, then take a coffee and sit down to watch whatever car race is on. Maybe take a nap. We saw this morning they were set up to have a marathon around the town and finishing over by the high school. For some reason, the area is popular for that, and we see runners every few months as the last kilometer goes right in front of the house.
   Today, as we were finishing lunch outside in the sun and the last of the runners were straggling by, the hedge across the street was suddenly covered in smoke. It was quickly blown across the street over us as we jumped up and ran for the phone and to get inside. The flames stayed on the hedge, but the smoke was thick for a while, as was the ash raining down. We got our car moved out of the street, then waited for the fire department to arrive, which they did in less than 5 minutes. Between the owner's fire extinguisher and then the firemen's hoses, it was put out in no time and nothing was hurt. Well, except the poor hedge. It's looking pretty sad now. 
    The determination was that the bar-b-q was put too close and the wind picked up a spark that lit up the hedge quickly. The hot dry weather recently certainly didn't help. Now the street will be talking of nothing else for years. 

the view from our driveway

the cars getting covered in ash

the firemen arrive!

watching the action

the other super cool fire truck

hard at work...

putting the hedge out of it's misery


  1. Oh, my goodness ! What an exciting lunch. I vaguely remember that hedge. The fire truck looks short.


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