Car Ride

  Although I have lived most of my life in town or even big cities, I was born in the country and I think a part of me will always be a country girl at heart. I always prefer the wide open spaces (to quote the Dixie Chicks) and greeness of nature found especially in the northwest US. Here in France, my time is increasingly spent in Paris at work or traveling between there and our place out in Yerres. Don't get me wrong, I love wondering around Paris and enjoying its many beauties and hidden corners. But there comes a time now and then when you feel like a breath of fresh air. Today that came in the form of a spontaneous drive in our MGF convertible. The sun was out and the top on the car was down, so we took off. Even if it was only a 10 minute drive, is was nice to feel the wind in my hair and the sun on my skin. 

2001 MGF Trophy 160

Born in England, so drive from the right

An old tractor we passed


  1. did you get to drive the car? I know you could drive the tractor!

  2. no i didn't drive at all. and i doubt that tractor runs but i could probably drive it. :)


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