Thanksgiving 2012

Now my second time celebrating Thanksgiving in France, and we have two meals to partake, neither on Thursday the 22nd. We celebrated with Paul's family on the Saturday after with some typical foods, and some French style. We had mashed potatoes, peas, gravy, butternut squash, corn, and of course turkey. However, we also had brussel sprouts, parsnips and other veggies with chestnuts and goat cheese, and apple cider to drink. It all came together beautifully though and tasted amazing. Of course, we also had a homemade apple pie for dessert. 

Elena adding goat cheese to some veggies.

The turkey's ready!!
Van's first Thanksgiving! 

I made two apple pies in two days. One we ate here, and one I took to our second meal with Fat Tire people. One of our managers, Sadie, organized a huge meal at her place with over 20 people there. It was more traditional with different stuffings, green bean casserole, squash, mashed potatoes, corn, cranberries, and turkey. We also had a pumpkin pie, a pecan pie, and a pumpkin tiramisu. We were so full it was hard to get home. Can't wait till next year!


  1. Sounds good; I think I'll have to add more veggies to my Thanksgiving menu.


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