
 Didn't realize how long it had been since I'd written, even though it's January and the craziness of holidays are over. Things have slowed down, but at the same time still busy. 
  I officially started my new position at work on the 1st, with a signed contract and everything. Hooray!! I'll still be doing the same thing until we have new staff, but now I'm starting all the new responsibilities too. I get to interview people too! There aren't too many people coming on tour theses days, so it's pretty relaxed in the office with just managers and some guides there.
   Also this week, I renewed my visa to be legal and stay here. It's a pretty assured process being married in, but things can still go wrong or get complicated. There's also  a lot of waiting that happens. We stood in line for hours to apply for the renewal, then waited to hear back, then waited to go in to get it. So we show up yesterday with my text, (yes, they sent me a text of when to come in with the official stamps, very modern), there's a huge line at different counters, but the information counter guy handed us a number right away and we were in! 10 minutes later we were called to the counter and handed over my passport and stamps and got my titre de sejour! Walking out with passport, new french id and a whole open day after 10 minutes is unheard of. French efficiency. Those words don't really go together. I have a sinking feeling it's the only time I'll ever witness it either. :) We celebrated by going shopping to check out the soldes (sales) going on right now where every store has huge crazy deals. Much better than spending the morning sitting in a waiting room.
   All for now-Friends is on. Then House! Sometime I'll have to write about french tv here.  


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