Snow and more snow

  After the excitement of Christmas and New Year's had passed, it got a little depressing here. Nothing but gray skies for the next few months with spring seeming very far away. The soldes were the only highlight until the temperature starting dropping. (Soldes are the French sales that happen two times a year when every store has massive clearance. We got some good deals.)
  Usually I'm not a huge fan of snow after the first hour as it just ends but being cold and wet and slows everything down. When I was younger, it meant a possibility of a snow day, or at least a two hour late start. Being an adult means you still have to go to work and watch while all the neighborhood kids throw snowballs and make snowmen while you're stuck behind a computer. 
   I will admit it can be fun to wander around in a white wonderland for a bit. 

Then the temperature jumped up 10 degrees in a day and it all disappeared. Don't worry, it might come back this weekend. 


  1. LOVE the foggy Eiffel Tower picture. No snow here yet. It's in the 50s.
    What did you get at the sales?

  2. Thanks! I've gotten a couple scarves, earrings, work shoes, shirts for paul, baby gifts, a hat, pajamas, frame, wine rack, dessert plates. i think that's all.


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