OChateau wine tasting

Although the long hours and occasional stress of my job can be a bit much, the perks tend to make it worth the trouble. Free tours and drinks are just a few of the many things I've come to enjoy. Fun co-workers are just icing on top. 
This week, we got to enjoy a complimentary wine tasting courtesy of OChateau, the wine bar that we sell tours for. About time we learned what all those tourists were going to. Over 20 of us fit into the 17th century wine cellar where we enjoyed 5 wines, and one champagne along with bread, cheese, and meats.

 This is Charlotte, our sommelier. She started studying wine when she was young after having a tiny taste of a wine her grandma kept for 20 years. She's from Bourgogne and is partial to wines from there. 

Two of our classy office staff, Stephanie from New Zealand, and Adriana from Florida.

Hopefully we get to do it again!
