The First Month

   As the last few blog posts have made clear, we've had a baby! I promise one day I will write about something going on other than her, but for now, she's all that's going on. Really. We hang out at home and feed her, change her, try to get some sleep, and then occasionally go to church or the grandparent's. So I really don't have anything else to tell you about.
   Every single thing written about newborns will tell you how fast it goes by and everything changes so quickly. Well let me tell ya, it's true. I got so confused looking at the calendar seriously thinking I had the day wrong and wondering how we lost a week because she could not be almost a month old. A month already! But we were just in the hospital! We just brought her home! Now here we are, heading into month two. 
   Since everyone asks me if I "feel like a mom" now, I thought I'd share a little bit of what's changed. For me the practical part of motherhood took over right away, the "do whatever it takes to keep this small helpless being alive" feeling. I did (and still do) a ton of reading books and articles online for ideas and advice and what to expect, as well as talking to friends and family with kids about what it's like. All that is very helpful and gave me a bit of confidence from the start that I knew something. Really it's just been a learn as you go system of trial and error to see what works best for her. 
   Also, I seriously cannot imagine the women who do this alone from day one. To have someone else around even just for moral support is priceless. Having someone who does all the grocery shopping, laundry, dishes, cooking, cleaning, and gets your glass of water whenever you want it, is unbelievably priceless. (He also does his fair share of diaper changing and has mastered this jedi burping trick that has saved our sanity.) :) 
   So what is she like? Well, she's a great eater. From day one she had no problems and likes to eat all the time. Every weight checkup has been right on the mark and she's at the high end for weight gain. 
   She struggles a tad more with sleeping, like she knows there are better things going on that she'll miss if she closes her eyes. :) Eventually she does nod off, but has a hard time sleeping on her own, preferring to stay in our arms. So we'll have to work on that unless she wants me to go to college with her. :)
   Other than that, there's not much else besides how cute she is. With blue eyes and brown hair like her mom, that's not surprising. :)

To come in month two, getting out of the house! Yay! Once we have our vaccines, it's time to see the great big world. Or at least Paris...


  1. Very good post. Paul will have to demonstrate the "jedi burping trick" for me. Can't wait to come and babysit, go for walks, show her off :)


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