Trip to England

   Apologies for the lack of anything for a couple weeks, we went to England last week and have been running around non-stop here since we returned. Julia's first trip out of the country and her first time to use her American passport. She was a trooper most of the time putting up with long car rides and going around in the stroller or carrier. 

On the ferry over.

Colorful houses on Portobello Road.

 Our trip was fast, but very fun. We started off stopping overnight in London where we stayed with Paul's sister Ann and her husband Tim who live just outside of London. We took the tube into the city and spent the day walking around Notting Hill and Portobello Road, through Hyde Park, and then to Covent Garden. We had fish and chips for lunch, a must in England.

Bundled up to go sightseeing.

  The next day we drove to Oxford in the morning, then spent the afternoon trying to find Highclere Castle where they film Downton Abbey. The park was closed, so we couldn't drive up to it, but we found a view from a neighboring hill. Then we continued on to Weston Super Mere where Paul's grandma lives.

Bikes in Oxford, they were everywhere.

 We took it easy the next day and stayed in Weston, going down to the waterfront and walking around. Then we went to Bath on Thursday, the one really cold and rainy day of the week. I had been a few years ago and love walking around the old town and we finished the day with and english tea with scones. 

A cheesemongers in Bath.

Our tea and scones.

   Our last day was spent in Bristol, where we mostly did some shopping. Mum (Paul's grandma) cooked delicious dinner for us every night and made us unlimited amounts of tea multiple times a day. A long day of driving and another ferry ride got us home on Saturday and that was it for England. 
