I'm 6 Months Old!

This week I turned 6 months old. I am now 8kg(17.63lbs) and 68cm(26.77in). 

A couple weeks ago, my mom started giving me compote (that's applesauce for you Americans). I like it a lot. I've had apple, banana, apple/pear, and apple/peach. Here I am in my new high chair. It's very high.

Sometimes I drop things off and can't reach them.

I have also been learning how to slide around on the wooden floor. It's fun and I can turn left and right too. I can go backwards mostly, so sometimes I get stuck.

I can also sit up a bit, but not without help. 

I'm getting realky flexible and can put my foot in my mouth now.

I'm also starting to grow some teeth a little bit. That's not so fun. I like to scream when it hurts, but then mommy and daddy give me stuff to make it feel better.

A lot has happened in the last month, I feel like a big baby now, not so little anymore. :)


  1. I thought she looked like her cousin, Soren, when she was on the floor backing up into the chair.

  2. They're both bald looking right now. It's true they have similar expressions sometimes. They're happy babies.


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