Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2015!

We rang in the new year last week with Ann and Tim (along with the rest of the family) by staying up to 11pm playing games. We're a wild bunch. :) Julia was out at 7:30, so she didn't see 2015 till the next morning. Here's another shot of the little ones, Soren, Mona and Ella, and Julia before all going to bed. Van didn't want to be in the picture again.

Now that she's one, we're trying a lot of new things with her. Mostly her eating habits, cutting down on the milk and adding more whole foods to her diet. She's tried asparagus, oatmeal, toast (with butter, jam or marmite), kiwi, cauliflower, croissants, Speculoos biscuits, and shortbread cookies. Along with more of her usual favorites, which right now are bananas, biscuits, and yogurt. She wants to try anything I'm eating or drinking so I have to be sneaky sometimes if I want a coffee. 

We put away our Christmas decorations this week and welcomed in the colder temperatures. It's been below freezing a lot now so we're layering up. 

 We went into Paris and stopped by my work to see a friend's new puppy named Juno. It's a cavalier king charles spaniel and she's about 3 1/2 months old. She's very excited and loves to lick. Julia wasn't quite sure what to make of her, but laughed when she got puppy kisses. 



  1. Marmite?! Whose idea was that? Does she like it? I missed the freezing weather here by being in Florida.

  2. She's had it 3 times, but not from me. She liked it when i wasn't there.


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