A Week Away

We got to take a week off last week and get out of town a bit. We spent a weekend in Cabourg, a little town on the coast in Normandy about 2hrs away. We got there Friday night and left Monday morning and had pretty good weather most of the time, it only rained once or twice but was pretty warm. 

Most of the time was spent walking along the beach, through the town and market, and playing on the beach a bit. We also took an hour long tourist train ride through town hearing about the history and seeing some other corners of town we hadn't seen before. 

I saw people eating these in town and wanted to try them. A kouignette is a small version of the kouign amann, a cake and a specialty of Brittany. It's a caramely pastry with different flavors and very good if you like sweet things. Kind of sticky and rich tasting. We got a traditional one, raspberry, salted caramel, and apple.

 Then we left Monday for Lac d'Ailette, which is a camp on a lake for families. You stay in your own cabin and then there is a big center with a water park and other activities you can do all week. We rented bikes to get around and spent most of our time at the water park or the indoor play area. The kids loved this camp and had a great time in the pool and going down slides. 

Only two weeks of summer left before school starts back on Sept 4th!
