New Year of School

We now have two kids in school! James started preschool this year, which is from age 3-5, and he's in "petit section" from 8:30am-4:30pm. He has a different teacher than Julia had and is in a different room, but at the same school she was. 
He had a rough first week with some tears every morning and not being very cooperative, but each day got a bit better. He had to be fully potty trained before starting and still has an accident every now and then.

Julia started 1st grade at the elementary school just across the street from the preschool at the same time. Her class has about 30 kids and they are doing a lot more work now, she's come home with homework every day, mostly to practice her vowel sounds as they learn to read. 
This year she also got to pick out a backpack with school supplies like pens, pencils, markers, paints, notebooks, dry erase board, ruler, erasers, and gym clothes. Welcome to the big leagues! 

School is organized the same in France with the elementary classes staying with the same teacher throughout the day for different subjects except for certain ones (like gym). They get a long lunch and recess breaks as well. There a quite a few kids who were in her class the last year or two in preschool that are in her class now.

After a month of school now they are getting into the swing of things and both liking school! Let's hope it continues! 
