Happy Halloween

We are deep into autumn over here and it's been kind of a wet one. As it's getting colder and colder, we've been getting cozy inside. The kids get a break from school every 6 weeks, so we went over to their grandparent's house for the 10 days they had off. This fell over Halloween and we didn't make any plans to celebrate since it's not traditionally very big here. 

However, I was walking home from the train and saw on a store front they were going to hand out candy that evening from 5-6pm. I saw a few other kids around dressed up so I rushed home and asked if they wanting to dress up and go out. Of course the answer was yes. 
Julia already had a princess dress on, so we added all her cat accessories and drew some whiskers on her face - voila, a cat princess!
For James we dug through the closet to see what we had and came up with some hats of Paul's. This one was chosen and here we have a BMW mechanic. 

After getting candy at the shop, we walked over to McDonald's to get an early dinner where James promptly ate all his candy. 

Then we went home and he wanted to be a cat like his sister. Now we had two cats! Eyeliner for the win on this one.
